never mind the bedsocks

13 Unique Tips For Navigating The Aging Process After 50

“Not another blog post offering a bunch of inane so-called ‘tips’ about the aging process?” So goes the rhetorical cry of millions of soon-to-be seniors, fed up to the back implants with such drivel.

Here you will find no such trivia dressed up as actual helpful advice. No, you will simply find trivia for trivia’s sake. Let’s be totally upfront and transparent here – the following tips can’t and won’t help you at all.

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Warning For The 21st Century

Ever since my 20s, I’ve been a huge fan of Jenny Joseph’s poem, “Warning” – the one that goes, “when I am an old woman I shall wear purple.”

Now that I am actually an old lady (well, my 21-year-old self would have thought 53 old, anyway!). I’ve realised the ideas in the poem are just a tad outdated.

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