never mind the bedsocks

Get In Touch

We love hearing from our readers.

Constructive feedback, suggestions, jokes, advice, questions, musings about what you fed your cat for breakfast, lollipops, love, and any form of chocolate all gratefully received.

You can also communicate with us by commenting on blog posts, or in our social media feeds. We read and respond to each and every message. Apart from the spambots and the trolls, obviously.

Writer Submissions

If you can write stuff that’s funny, and you’ve always fancied being a big fish in a small pond, here’s your chance!

Never Mind The Bedsocks is a humour blog that celebrates and commiserates with the trials and tribulations of Generation X (anyone born between 1964 and 1980). Our blog content is currently produced by a very small team, and we are always keen to hear from fresh, funny, entertaining voices who would like to join the party. If you have a message to share that will resonate with our specific audience, then we’d love to hear from you!

What’s in it for me?

Although we are sadly currently unable to pay hard cash for third-party content, we do offer guest contributors a T-shirt of their choice from our online shop. Writers get a byline on the article, and all published submissions are shared on our social media channels and in our fortnightly newsletter. In other words, it’s a good place to start for writers and cartoonists who are looking to build an audience and/or add published pieces to a portfolio.

How do I submit my work?

To submit your article / poem / cartoon / idea to Never Mind The Bedsocks, please email a sample of your work (200-300 words) to us via the contact form above. Please type “Writer Submission” in the subject line of your message, and also give us an idea about the topic(s) you would like to write about. Tell us if / where you’ve been published before (if relevant).

We read everything sent in to us, and we’ll be in touch if we would like to publish your piece on the site – usually within 10-14 days.  

Please read this before submitting:

  1. Please explore the website first to get a feel for style and tone, and to get familiar with the kinds of topics we tend to focus on. Some of these include: health, work, retirement, aging, death, relationships, technology, politics, psychology, and philosophy. We love observational humour, satire, parody, listicles, and other offbeat styles and formats. Remember that our audience are mostly aged between 45 and 60.

  2. It is essential that your submission is completely original. We use a sophisticated plagiarism checker and we immediately dismiss writing that has been partially or fully ‘lifted’ from other sources, so please don’t ignore this advice.

  3. If you wish to send a cartoon (or other artwork) rather than written content, please let us know by using the contact form above. We will then send you the relevant email address to which you can send your images in an attachment.

  4. Please note that we reserve the right to rewrite headlines, so please don’t be surprised (or upset!) if this happens.

  5. Copyright. You retain ownership of your own material. You are free to post the same article on your personal blog (if you have one), and you are also free to publish it in a book, or submit it to other sites for publication. However, if your article does get accepted elsewhere, please let us know so that we can avoid publishing on the same day. The only stipulation we have is that, once you have submitted a completed article (or other content) to us for publication on our site, the publication rights are irrevocable. This means that we won’t be able to delete your old article once we’ve published it, as this would seriously hurt our SEO.

  6. If your proposed article (or other content) is approved, we would need the following from you:

    – A completed article of no less than 750 words and no more than 1,500 words (for written pieces)
    – A high-resolution headshot
    – A brief bio about yourself + link to your personal blog (if you have one)
    – Images to accompany your article (if relevant).

  7. Finally, to improve your chances, please aim for:
  • An original spin or angle on your chosen topic
  • A strong, compelling opening
  • Accurate, proofread content
  • A descriptive, catchy title


OK, that’s it! Now, hit us with what you’ve got! Good luck.
The End pop art graphic
quill feather pen
crazy shouting pop art woman
Dreamy retro female typists
Crazy male writer
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